Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010

Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010
Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010. Our Alfie was attacked and killed by poaching dogs from the farm across the road on 28 November 2010

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spring is is the air?

Well I certainly hope so! It has been a lot warmer for the last few weeks but our weather will sneak up on us and the next thing we'll have snow again. The days are really wonderful as it is warm and sunny. We have, so far, had a lucky fire season this year as there have not been many runaways. The grass in the block-burnt areas is quickly turning green and the lawn mower will soon be taking strain on our lawn.

Block burning on the farm next door

Family spent a few days with us and so we caught up on news and all had a pleasant time. Nev took some fantastic photo's and has added to his vast collection of pix.

"The Country Wagon Company" has produced the first wagon and material (plus a mountain of sawdust) is being prepared for the production of lots more. They will be available in several colours and I'm sure kids will enjoy them. Take a look at the picture below.

Number 1 wagon off the production line

We have a Longcrested Eagle that patrols our telephone line every day.  He is one of our most beautiful birds on the farm.

Nev's pic of the Longcrestad Eagle

Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh No! More Snow

Three weeks ago we had snow.  This was a heavy snow and the power was off for three days, telephones out for two weeks and cellphones off for a week.  There was major damage throughout the district and we are slowly recovering.  Last night it snowed again but this time it was a light sprinkling so we had no damage.  Closer to the mountains there have been heavier snowfalls but I have not had any info on that area.

This is fireplace weather and we're pretty much stuck at home as the road from the farm is very goopy.