Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010

Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010
Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010. Our Alfie was attacked and killed by poaching dogs from the farm across the road on 28 November 2010

Monday, April 16, 2012

Free Telegram Service

Hi folks.  We now offer a free telegram service whereby you e-mail us your message and the e-mail address of the person you want to send it to.  We do the rest.  We create a telegram message and send it on to the person you are sending it to and a copy goes to you.  Go to our Telephone Collector's site and give it a bash.

Here's an example telegram

Monday, April 9, 2012

Harvest Time

Harvest time is not without it's excitement.  One of the combine harvesters drove past our cottage this morning taking the Telkom line with it to the maize field.  What do you do when this happens?  Simple.  You fix it and hope Telkom does not take too long to get here!  So I dug out some old telegraph arms, spindles, bolts and insulators and got busy.

The Shortest Telkom Pole In Underberg
So now we have our phone working again all-be-it temporary service!

And This Is The Second Shortest Pole!
It happens to be our gatepost with a few adornments.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Stock Theft

The radio's crackling and blaring; calls for more help; fences cut; more cattle have been stolen.  The farmers are out in force and some of them will be going right into Lesotho to track and round up cattle.  This tracking can take days in the mountains and physical fitness is essential.  Stock theft is an ongoing crime in the area and so almost every week there are incidents.  Our airforce sit on the ground as there is no planning, fuel or support for the farmers.  A new thing in our area is people coming up from the cities and slaughtering cattle on the roadside at night. They take the meat and abandon the rest of the carcases.  It's a terrible thing for dairy farmers who nurture and love their animals.  What madness is this? 

City folks; there is no such thing as a "Rich Farmer Who Has Everything".  The farmers are a hard working breed and so when you see them in their mercs or four-by-four's, remember the 24-7 time that is put in to their farms, the labour problems, the break downs, the costs, the late nights, the early mornings in the freezing cold and the work every day that goes into realising such pleasures.  Life in the country is hard, but fun and challenging. Although I'm not a farmer I know the effort that goes into farming.  I would not change my life living among the farmers for the world.

Solar Heating

I have been given 15 old and battered solar panels!  There needs to be a lot of refurbishing and fiddling to get thm up and running.  I am going to build a tank stand with three water drums on top and the solar panels on the sloping side facing north.  I'll put up two panels and plumb them to a tank so we'll have hot water when our power goes off in the summer.  The next drum will be connected to a donkey boiler to heat water in the winter.  (Dunno what we are going to do with all the boiled donkies after winter!) The third drum will contain plain cold water for when the power is out and the pumps stop. So progress is being made.

I suppose the next trick will be to build a horse operated generator.  Good old horsepower.  Or maybe the unboiled donkies will do.

Wattle logs are piling up at a good rate and more are on the way.  We can never have enough firewood in our winter here.  When we run out there is a flurry of fetch-'n-carry before we have to start burning the antiques to keep warm.  One positive thing is that chopping wood keeps me warm!

Splashy Fenn is under way this weekend and we are well out of the way.  The noise and traffic are about 30 kms away which suits us fine.  The roads are very busy and the police are searching vehicles at roadblocks every day.  Nice to be home!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Snow

Yesterday we had our first snow on the mountain top.  There was snow at Sani Pass as well and I suppose this is all in preparation for Splashy Fenn.  And, if it does not rain then they are going to have to cancell Splashy as it always rains on this weekend.

Take note:  For those of you who are concerned there is our new service on Privacy.  Go to You will be able to buy our PRIVACY GUIDELINES booklet for R50-00 and then you are automatically subscribed.  We will provide updates and privacy assistance to all those who are subscribed.

These two products have appeared out of the Country Wagon Company factory:

Is it a horse.... or is it a dog?  You decide!

More display easels.