Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010

Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010
Dedicated to Alfie 2006 - 2010. Our Alfie was attacked and killed by poaching dogs from the farm across the road on 28 November 2010

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Getting the garden sprayed with bug spray

Do you think it's a bit ambitious having someone come and spray the veggies with bug spray?  Perhaps a bit "over the top", as it were, (damn puns) but great fun to watch.

This plane was about thirty feet off the top of the maize at this point.   The pilot had to climb to get over the telephone line and the power line.  That's a 24 foot wooden telephone pole bellow the plane and the power poles are to my right (out of the pic).

I do so wish I was the pilot and I do miss my flying days, but that was so long ago.

These crop sprayer pilots are really good at what they do.  His turn around time landing, refilling the hopper, getting airborne and back to the fields again is around five minutes. Fantastic!  They do get a helping hand now days using GPS systems that mark the dropping lines in the fields.  In one circuit he sprayed three fields and then around again for the next run.  The three fields of maize were sprayed in about 35 minutes.  Now that saves a lot of labour and farm machinery wear.

Oh yes he did fly over the fence and in fact the power line on to of the pole on the right.

Over the maize and almost to our veggie patch

Of course he was a gentleman and did not disturb the cats too much.  Amazingly quiet these turboprop engines now days.

Then!  In the early afternoon the wind got up and blew hard at me and then the rain came bucketing down.  In twenty minutes we had 65 mm in the rain gauge.  We had a lot of hail along with the rain and the poor veggies got a good pounding. They survived pretty well, however and I collected a good handful of beans.

The Little factory got flooded and so production is at a halt.  A little bit of cleaning in the next few days and things will be back on track.

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